2022 was a great start with you! Let’s have a better 2023

Our Haven
4 min readJan 1, 2023


Firstly, Words may not be enough, but they will suffice. So Thank You!

You’ve been here for it all. Yes, you have, and as cliche, as this may sound, there are no better words to describe what you’ve presented to us. While change is constant, it not always welcomed, but you welcomed us.

We made a goodwill gesture, but you did all the work by trusting us. You took a chance on us, gave us your money, and trusted us with your stomach, and every day, we made sure we gave you our best.

What we set out to do

Our Haven was born out of a deep zeal to better the lives of individuals. We saw a gap, a way to make things easy, and we made it our priority to do just that. We wanted to give you comfort at your doorstep by providing you with chef freshly cooked meals at your doorstep, and we did that. We put in the work, and you showed us that you not only enjoyed it but kept coming back for more, and we couldn’t be any happier.

After our launch on the 25th of September, we had a new goal; to look for ways to do better, serve you better, and make your life easier, and we don’t intend to look back. This indeed took a village, as our young, vibrant, and dedicated team members didn’t fail to give their best in their respective roles, even when it seemed tough.

Let’s talk Numbers!

There’s a popular opinion that numbers don’t lie, so let’s talk numbers. Beginning with our beta testing, we asked you for your opinions. You liked what you saw, and 102 of you agreed to join our waitlist, which meant more to us than you could imagine.

We launched on 25th of September 2022 with the food service, we’ve had 150+ downloads of our app, and have made over 300+ food deliveries, you sure are on a roll because what are these numbers? All within three months!

Hurdles! How did we handle it?

The road hasn’t been 100% smooth, but we promised to be there for the long run, so we did just that. With the inflation on the cost of food items, that is no news to all.

We wanted to give you value at all costs, so we made the required adjustments. Beginning with no delivery fees, we ensured that we would deliver your chosen meals to you, irrespective of location, at no extra cost. But we didn’t stop there.

We introduced weekly plans to our app so that you can have meals delivered to you from every day of the month to only once a week. We’re OK with whatever pace you want our relationship to go.

What’s Next?

We’re always looking to do better and be better, so since we promised you the whole package, we’ll be making good on that promise. this 2023, we’re happy to announce that after careful consideration and laying the groundwork for a smooth operation, we will launch our laundry services in the first quarter. There’s more! We want you to know we see you, we want you to feel heard and catered for, and most importantly, we want to deliver services catered to your needs.

And that’s why we will come up with a more diversified menu to accommodate wider nutrition choices. Our home cleaning service also rolls out in 2023, and we are elated to share that we will be opening in another location as well.

Let’s do this Again!

To all this, we say, let’s do this Again! We want to grow, we want to get better, and we want to serve you better. In 2023 try to reach out to us more often. We want to hear your opinions, we want to receive your regards to our chef when our meals hit the right spot, or simply engage us on our social media as Facebook would say, telling us “What’s on your mind.” You made this year, and we savoured every moment with you.

We’re ending the year on a fantastic note, and of course, 2023 we go again!

